Friday, 23 January 2015

How to Run a Start up Fix in Ms windows 7

Start up Fix is a program restoration device that automates common analytic and repair tasks of unbootable Ms windows seven set ups. If the PC fails over into Ms windows RE because of a detected start failure, Start-up Fix launches automatically. If automatic fail over to an on-disk Ms windows RE is not available, Start-up Fix can also be launched as a manual restoration device from a Ms windows RE CD/DVD.

This tutorial will show you how to run Start-up Fix to allow it to scan your Ms windows seven PC for a start up problem and try to fix it so your PC can start correctly.

Start up Fix is located on the System Recovery Options menu, which is on the Ms windows seven set up disc. If your PC producer (OEM) has reinstalled restoration options, Start-up Fix might also be installed on your difficult drive. If your PC does not include Start-up Fix, your PC producer (OEM) might have customized or replaced the device. Check the details that came with your PC or go to the company's website.

Start up Fix Process

Start up Fix will try to fix computers that are unbootable because of the following reasons:

  •     Registry corruption
  •     Missing or damaged program and driver files
  •     Hard drive meta-data crime (MBR, partition table, and start sector)
  •     File program meta-data corruption
  •     Setting up problematic or not compatible drivers
  •     Setting up not compatible Ms windows service packs and patches
  •     Corrupt start configuration data
  •     Bad memory and difficult drive components (detection only)

Start-up Fix will not repair unbootable systems caused by the following issues:

    Malfunctioning firmware and other components components
    Problems with clean Ms windows set ups or Ms windows upgrades (for example, from Ms windows XP to Ms windows Vista)
    Ms windows logon errors
    Viruses and malicious software

After Start-up Fix has run, a text log with analytic details and repair results is generated. The log file is located at: C:\Windows\System32\Logfile\Srt\SrtTrail.txt

For more details, see: How Ms windows RE Works

Start-up Fix cannot fix components failures, such as a failing difficult drive or not compatible memory, nor does it protect against virus attacks. Start-up Fix is not designed to fix Ms windows set up problems. Start-up Fix is not a backup device, so it cannot help you recover details, such as photos or documents. To help protect your PC, back up your program and data files regularly.

Here's How:
1. Boot to the System Recovery Options screen using your retail Windows 7 installation disk or system repair disc.

2. Select the Startup Repair option. (See screenshot below)

3. Start up Repair will now scan your computer to attempt to find and fix any start up problems. (See screenshot below)
NOTE: Start up Repair might prompt you to make choices as it tries to fix the problem, and if necessary, it might restart your computer as it makes repairs. If repairs are not successful, you'll see a summary of the problem and links to contact information for support. Your computer manufacturer might include additional assistance information.
Startup_Repair-1.jpgViews: 329110Size:  118.0 KB
4. If problems cannot be found, then click on Next. (See screenshot below)
NOTE: You can click on the View diagnostic and repair details link to see a detailed summary of what Start-up Repair has done.
Startup_Repair-2.jpgViews: 332960Size:  118.0 KB

A) Click on the Restart button to return to the Windows 7 log on screen. (See screenshot below step 2)
Sometimes it may take running a start-up repair (3) separate times with restarting the computer after each time before it fully fixes the start up issue.


  1. Start Fix is a program that automates device restoration analytical tasks and common repair unbootable MS Windows seven assemblies. If the PC sends it to MS Windows RE because of a detected error starting Fix commissioning starts automatically. If automatic error to disk in MS Windows RE is not available, Fix Startup also be released as a device MANUAL restoration from a MS Windows RE CD / DVD.

    This tutorial will show you how to run Fix startup so you can scan your PC for Ms windows seven commissioning problem and try to fix it so your computer can start correctly.

    Start Fix is in Recovery Options menu system, which is in the seven disc set MS Windows. If the PC manufacturer (OEM) reinstalled restore options, commissioning correction can also be installed on your hard drive. If your PC does not include the launching Fix your PC manufacturer (OEM) might have customized or replaced the device. Review the details that come with your computer or visit the website of the company.

  2. every thing got cleared and every problem got solved by the article.. thanks to the writer..
